26 June 2012

What is Cell

    Ø  Definition of cell:
Cell is the unit of structure and function of all living organisms .It is the smallest unit of organisms. Bacteria and some other organisms contain single cell. Major organisms contain hues cell.
Human contain 10 trillion cells.
The cell was discovered by Robert hook in 1665.
    Ø  Kinds of cell: There are mainly two kinds of cell;
1) Prokaryotic cell
2) Eukaryotic cell.
    Ø  Variation of human cell and plant cell: There are some important variation between human cell and plant cell. The main variation is there is an inert cell in a plant which has not in an animal.

    Ø  Specialty  of animal cell:
1) There is no any cell well.
Fig: Animal Cell 
2) There is no any plastid.
3) There is present centrism all time.
4) Some of lowest animal have central vacuole.
5) Golgi body seen by microscope.
6) Collected food of animal cell is mainly glycogen.
    Ø  Specialty  of plant cell:
1) There are present cell well which is made of cellulose.
2) There are present varieties kinds of plastid.
3) There is no centrism in plant cell.
4) There is present one more central vacuole.
 Fig: Plant cell
5) Golgi body seen by microscope rear.
6) Collected food of plant cell is starch.

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