04 August 2012

Whether the child will be a son or daughter

Now we can understand easily that the father or mother is responsible for the birth of a son or daughter. Both male and female have 44 autosomes, a pair of sex chromosome. Sex chromosome of a female is XX and that of the male is XY. The male gamete (sperm) bears X and Y chromosome. But the female gamete (egg) bears X and X. If the X bearing egg of the female is united (fertilize) with Y bearing sperm of the male, the child will have XY. A child having such chromosomes will be a male child. It is seen that if there is no Y chromosome, the child will never be a son. There is no Y chromosome in a female; Y chromosome is present only in male. So if a couple do not have any male child, the husband is responsible not the wife.
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  • Unknown says:
    14 August, 2012 05:00

    Thanks, visit http://itehelp.blogspot.com

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