16 June 2012

What is Bilogy

On this nice large earth there are millions of animals and plants. Haw variegated their structure, there habit and specialty is also different to each other. Not only in the diversity but also in number there are variety kinds of animals and plants. On this earth all things are base on biology. So other name of biology is Natural Science.

“Bios” means life and “Logos” means knowledge. “Bios” and “Logos” these two words are Greek word. “Bios” and “logos” have mixed together and have made a word which is biology .This is an English word. On this biology have discussed about animals, plants and virus, bacteria and verities kinds of life.

Definition of Biology:
Biology is a subject, where have discussed about different kinds of life, system of their birth, growth, food and live on the earth.

There are mainly two parts of biology:  
1) Zoology                              
2) Botany
Microbiology is the other new subject of Biology.


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